
Opposing S. 2395, which obliges the USPS to treat baby birds as common cargo

Been away for a bit, moving to the farm we've always wanted (yay!). Now we can start doing rescue for real. Back to the letter writing, as well...this one is to my local reps & senators asking them to oppose a bill that essentially *forces* postal workers to abuse baby birds. ick.

Dear Senator,
Please oppose S. 2395. Sentient beings should not be treated as cargo, subjected to temperatures up to 100 degrees, with no food or water, while trapped in a confined space with other animals that have already died. This is barbaric.

Bird Shippers of America, an industry group representing the bird shipping industry, admits that more birds arrived in the mail dead than alive in 2005.

The United States Postal Service has made positive steps in protecting the safety of baby birds sent in the mail, and should be allowed to continue to move in this direction. Please uphold the right of the USPS to put forth its own policies on safe transport of live animals. Please do not force postal employees to act in ways that violate their consciences. Most importantly, please do the right thing for the animals. Oppose S. 2395.


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